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Your Voice, Your Leadership: It’s How You Say It!
September 29, 2023
Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s not just the message, but the delivery?” Well, it’s true! Most of our communication is nonverbal. You might

From Comfortable to Confident: Debunking the Myth of Weakness
February 20, 2023
There is no such thing as weaknesses, only undeveloped potential This is a concept that can be applied to every aspect of life. Whether it

Your personality creates your personal reality
January 24, 2023
I’ve just read the above phrase in a blog post. It stuck with me, and I started to ponder if we indeed are creating

Your Brain lies to You – a lot!
May 26, 2022
Your brain processes around 11 million bits per second. Most of those processes happen automatic. As a matter of fact, our conscious mind can only

The Case of Brain Tuning
May 16, 2022
Your brain might well be the most complex object in the universe. This powerhouse represents only about 2% of our body mass but requires 20%