PCM Certification for Coaches
Elevate your coaching skills (and earn CPD points). Want a sneak peek? Request 2 weeks’ FREE access to our 14 online learning modules.

Share the superpower of self-insight
Help your clients navigate life with simplicity and ease
PCM is a game-changer for professional coaches. By helping your clients to understand themselves, you help them to navigate life with simplicity and ease. Not only is PCM a game changer for your clients, but it’s a game changer for you, too.
…motivate better…
Connect better…
…and get better results for your clients
In the end, it’s all about the results. As a coach, you play a crucial role in helping your clients achieve whatever they are working towards. The faster and more authentically you can connect with them, motivate them, and reinforce their successes, the better their results will be.
What’s the point? How about CCEU points!
Hear from some of our PCM Professional Coaches

Bronwyn Kennedy, Authentic Education - Professionally Certified Coach (PCC) with ICF and ICF Mentor.

Paul Larkin, 700 Leadership Advisory - PCM Trainer & Coach, and LOD Master Trainer.

Dr Tania Morris, Evolve Shenpa - Pain Medicine Specialist and PCM Trainer & Coach.
“I use my PCM skills in coaching with every client in every session. This allows me to interact and connect in a very authentic way. It also enables a psychologically safe interaction with my clients, allowing them to feel very safe in divulging things that they even find difficult to be honest with themselves about.
PCM works synergistically with the coaching process and results in exceptionally helpful and useful and valuable outcomes for my clients.”

The certification journey
PCM certification for coaches is a lighter-weight version of our full certification. Once you are a PCM Certified Coach, you will be able to provide one-to-one individual sessions using our stand-alone profiles. However you will not be able to teach PCM to your clients.
PCM accreditation for coaches allows you to order the full suite of PCM Profiles for debrief with your clients.
Step 1: Learn the Fundamentals
Attend PCM Seminar 1: Core Concepts to learn the basics of PCM. You’ll understand how communication styles are influenced by personality traits, identify leadership styles, and enhance team collaboration. Gain skills to meet psychological needs and manage distress, improving personal and team well-being.
Step 3: Learn to Coach with PCM
If you’re interested in becoming a PCM certified professional (CP), let us know. We’ll provide the License Agreement and Manual for your due diligence, and discuss your goals. If we’re a good fit, you’ll be invited to attend a 7-9 day PCM Coach Certification Course. The certification includes a written exam and trial coaching sessions to demonstrate your PCM skills.
Step 2: Learn the Advanced Topics
Next, attend PCM Seminar 2 to delve deeper into motivation and conflict resolution. Explore Failure Patterns and Distress characteristics to prevent and resolve conflicts. Through practical application, you’ll master navigating complex dynamics and fostering positive outcomes. Seminar 2 equips you with advanced tools and strategies to enhance motivation, mitigate conflict, and promote harmonious relationships.
Step 4: Get Up and Running
After signing the agreement, we offer individual induction training to all our new certified PCM professionals. We’ll show you how to to order profiles and other materials. If you’re successful, we are successful.
As a CP you’ll have ongoing access to the PCM team for questions, coaching or to discuss individual client approaches
Ready? Let’s get started
Are you ready to start your PCM journey? Then book your spot on one of our upcoming PCM Seminar 1 Core Concepts workshops.
If you want to find out more first, then we’re happy to chat. You’ll be connecting with the only two PCM Master Trainers in Oceania, Andrea and Werner Naef, who will explain the certification process in more detail, and how you’ll be able to make a difference – for yourself, and for others.

Interested in making a difference, with PCM?
Get a sneak peek into the power of PCM with our 14 online learning summary modules. Request 2 weeks’ FREE access today: