3420 combinations, endless possibilities
You are unique.
So is your PCM Personality Profile.
There have been more than 1.6 million PCM Profiles completed worldwide, and none of them are the same. That is because PCM differentiates between six Personality Types that we all have within us, in different combinations. Every one of us contains all of the six types, but in different strengths. It’s that combination that makes us unique.
Uncover your Personality Structure, and get a deeper understanding of yourself.
Two PCM Profiles are available to purchase: choose from a Personal Profile for incredible self-insight, or a Leadership Profile with insights to help you become a more agile leader.
How does it work?
1. Complete the Validated Questionnaire
The PCM Questionnaire contains 45 questions. There are no right or wrong answers; each question simply offers valuable insights into your strengths, needs, and communication style.
2. Receive your Profile
You’ll be sent your PCM Profile report within a few days, which looks at your character strengths, perceptions, preferred interaction and communication styles, environmental preferences, psychological needs, and distress sequences. An action plan is included to help you understand your needs, and how to meet them, to be your best self at work and at home.
3. Book your Debrief
Each PCM Profile includes a de-brief meeting with a Master Trainer to help you fully understand your Profile and provide you with some actionable insights. When we send your profile we’ll include a link to our calendar, so you can book a time that suits.