START Taranaki

PCM supporting a good cause


START Taranaki supports at risk teenagers. It is a community-based Supervision with Activity provider and the programme runs over 20 weeks.

The basis of START Taranaki’s programme places emphasis on building meaningful relationships between staff and participants. It is the attachment between young people and positive role models which allows START’s young people to feel safe, cared for and able to make positive changes.


KCO has supported this organisation by providing PCM training to their staff and subsequent PCM refresher training.


The former operations manager wrote in her testimonial to us:

“As I am sure you hear all the time, PCM has revolutionized not only our work with clients, but also the way we are able to work with each other, in this ‘pressure cooker’ environment. Hearing you describe the distress behaviours of the different personality types was almost comical, in that it so accurately reflected the dramas that we have seen play out under our roof for many years…I have seen relationships totally turn around after these conversations….Having the tools to show us how to meet the needs of our people, means that they are happier, do better work and more likely to stick around.”

Read the full testimonial from the General Manager

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