I’ve just read the above phrase in a blog post. It stuck with me, and I started to ponder if we indeed are creating our own reality or if our external world forms our personality over time. And what are the implications for our success and happiness in life?

Can we learn to deliberately shape our personal reality?

We know that we are conscious of only about 5% of our brain activity. This means most of our behaviours, thoughts and emotions rely at least partially on ‘programmes’ that are beyond our awareness.

For behaviours to become automatic, they either need to be rehearsed over a long period of time, or are acquired via direct ‘download’ during the first 7 years of our life.

Research also shows that our brain has a tendency to register and remember negative information more readily than positive.  This because negative events often hold a stronger emotional charge than positive events. An experience with a highly emotional charge creates a stronger memory and wires neural pathways.

Simplified it means that we’re following negative wired programmes autonomously for a large portion of our time, without being conscious of what is happening.

Do you feel ‘triggered’ by certain people or situations? Are you often angry, frustrated or feel like a victim? Do you blame others for what is happening to you? And how much do they shape your daily life?

If we have programmed automatic responses to ‘triggers’ and situations, and if we don’t know how to bring them into our awareness and change them, how can we ever expect a different outcome?  

One way to increase self-awareness and to rewire our brain in a healthy way is to alter our thought and speech patterns. The Process Communication Model / PCM is a highly effective way to analyse our behaviours. By influencing our thought and speech patterns, we can create the outcomes we desire.

In our workshops you learn how to shape your personal reality actively and don’t let your automatic programmes dictate how you think, feel and behave.